- Achievement 1
- ACM 2
- Associate Money 1
- CHIIoT 2
- Co-design 1
- Creativity and Aesthetics 2
- Data-enabled design 1
- DiD Award 1
- Fireflies 2
- Graduation 1
- Hairstyle recommender 1
- Infrastructure 1
- Intelligent interactions 1
- Interactive Materiality 1
- Intern 1
- Internet of Things 1
- IoT 1
- keyword 1 1
- keyword 2 1
- keyword 3 1
- Light Messenger 1
- Marathon 1
- Materiality 1
- Music sharing experience 1
- Neural Network 1
- Peripheral interaction 1
- PhD 8
- Pictorial 2
- PolyU 9
- Prototyping 1
- Reimbursement 1
- Shape-changing 2
- Shared systems 2
- Social interactions 2
- TA 1
- Taiwan 1
- tangible interaction 1
- Technology and Realization 2
- TEI 2
- topplr 1
- Toys 1
- TU Eindhoven 10
- User evaluation 2
- Wizard of Oz 1
- Workshop 2